Free yourself from old burdens and live
your full potential!
Family constellation
Family constellations is soul and root work.
Everything we think, feel, say, experience, etc. is stored in the morphogenetic field, so nothing must be hidden, hidden or repressed, otherwise this unresolved energy will remain and be passed on to the next generation, which then turns out to be entanglement, limitation or even disease manifested. What is hidden/repressed wants to be seen and dissolved because it has the desire to go into the light, ie to be transformed into love. But what is unresolved cannot go and remains stuck and is passed on to the descendants, who then have to suffer. That is why the constellation work is very important.
We not only inherit good qualities such as talents and abilities from our parents and ancestors, but also their fates and traumas in an energetic form. This takeover is called entanglement and has the aim of creating a balance and finally bringing the fates and traumas of the ancestors to light with the help of the descendants so that both can be free. So we are ‘trapped’ in the form of limitations that remain completely unconscious to us.
To you
Basically, I recommend everyone to free themselves from all their limitations in life.
Do you have physical complaints such as constant migraines? Did you just sprain your ankle or do you have recurring negative situations in life in which you are faced with problems such as relationship problems, problems with the boss, money problems or you cannot find a suitable partner?
Do you have fears, phobias, panic attacks, depression or sleep problems? Behind everything there is a cause that we are not aware of because it is stuck in our subconscious. So most of the time we don’t know why we have anything at all.
About me
I have always been interested in people, nature and its laws. As a teenager, I began to deal with spiritual topics, because I knew there was much more to discover than we realize…I knew that this was my path and embarked on spiritual training paths at an early age. Each of my further training courses brought me a step further in my career, until the training as a qualified family dramatist finally led me to my vocation. As a systemic coach, I feel it is my mission to free people from their burdens so that they can live to their full potential.
Like most of us, we have already experienced many ups and downs in our lives, which have had a strong impact on us. We were able to learn a lot from it and develop further. It made us stronger and showed us the way forward. But there are also topics where we keep coming up and just can’t get any further. We get stuck on the same issues, despite constant trying.
The specific weight of the soul is
equal to the sum of what was dared.
Bert Hellinger
Clients Testimonials
I admit I was skeptical at first. I wondered how someone who doesn't know me could know what I need. But then I was pleasantly surprised. The energy that flows in this group and the intense emotions that you can experience are simply unbelievable. It's important to turn your head off and focus on the feeling - looking inward, not outward. Through this experience you learn a lot about yourself, but also about the others and how similar we all are. If you're ready to let go and dive into yourself, I highly recommend it. The coach is wonderful. She takes the lead, but only when necessary. You can feel the confidence she has in the process and the freedom she radiates to set us free.
Jasna Karalic
I have known about family constellations for a long time and have taken part in it as a representative as well as with my own constellation. It became clear to me again and again that the fates of others are part of my fate and that the systems overlap. Thank you for opening these doors for me with your sensitive coaching, I would like to enter and I look forward to meeting you again.
Esther C.
I always felt incomplete and my life was incomplete. The sessions with Olivia gave me a breakthrough to live a fully fulfilling life. I found the key to my happiness thanks to the constellations and live every day with great joy and gratitude.
Eliana Woods